Technical Issues...n&k (INDEX) and Gedanken Targets (DESIGN) etc.

Additional piecewise examples discussed here. Ambiguity issues discussed here.

It is fairly easy to deduce n&k in (nearly) transparent oxides and other materials wherein fringes are observed (in thick films) and simple dispersion relations are obeyed. In the case of metals and semiconductors, however, we require piecewise (wavelength by wavelength) solutions.

Using GedankenTargetsB.bas for FilmStar DESIGN (listed below with additional annotations) we generate spectra, add noise, and compare our solutions to the original n&k array. Ideally the n&k curves overlap. Repeat with random noise added. This helps users determine whether films of a given thickness can provide unique and accurate solutions and whether data at multiple angles and polarization are required. An example dispersion model provided by FTG colleague Ron Willey can be downloaded here.

Please contact FTG Software with questions or to arrange an online demonstration.

'FilmStar DESIGN BASIC GedankenTargetsB.bas
Option Explicit
Const Targs$ = "C:\Winfilm\TargetsTemp.trw"

Const StdDev! = 0.002             'Noise level
Const bINDEX As Boolean = True    'Using INDEX piecewise @ 0º only
Const bZeroOnly As Boolean = True 'Targets at 0 only
Const bPpolOnly As Boolean = True 'No S pol targets
Const bView As Boolean = False    'View spectra in FSPlot
Const fThick! = 100               'Film thickness (nm)

Sub Main
    Angle = 0
    Pol$ = "P"
    Design = CStr(fThick) & "H" 'H Linear index example
    If bView Then
    End If
    If bView Then PlotNext
    If bView Then PlotNext
    If bINDEX Then 'Using INDEX piecewise capability
        Exit Sub   'Spectra copied. Click Solve..Paste Spectrum in INDEX
    End If
    SpecTargets True, "R", 1, 0, "P" 'True clears targets
    SpecTargets False, "T", 1, 0, "P"
    If bZeroOnly Then GoTo Cont
    Angle = 60
    Pol$ = "P": Calculate 'P pol targets
    SpecTargets False, "R", 1, 60, "P"
    SpecTargets False, "T", 1, 60, "P"
    If bPpolOnly Then GoTo Cont
    Pol$ = "S": Calculate 'S pol targets
    SpecTargets False, "R", 1, 60, "S"
    SpecTargets False, "T", 1, 60, "S"
Cont: FileSave Targs$
End Sub

Sub DoSolve
    Dim w!, nk$
    Design = CStr(fThick) & "J" 'J $NK dispersion function
    SetIndexCoeff 4, 1, 1.6  'Set n starting value
    SetIndexCoeff 4, 2, .001 'Set k starting value
    For w = 750 To 400 Step -10
        FileOpen Targs$      'Sorts by wavelength
        TargetsSelect w
        nk$ = nk$ & CStr(w) & vbTab & IndexCoeff(4, 1)& _
            vbTab & IndexCoeff(4,2) & vbCrLf
    Next w
    Clipboard nk$ 'n,k array created. Click File..Paste Table in INDEX
End Sub

Sub AddNoise
    Dim j%, k%, nData%, ydata!(), yd!()
    If StdDev > 0 Then
        ydata = Spectrum_Y 'Get spectrum
        nData = UBound(ydata, 1)
        For j = 1 To nData
            ydata(j, 1) = ydata(j, 1) + StdDev * RndNorm 'Reflectance
            ydata(j, 2) = ydata(j, 2) + StdDev * RndNorm 'Transmittance
        Next j
        Spectrum_Y = ydata
    End If
End Sub

INDEX 100 nm solutions with noise StdDev = 0.002


bView=True skips DESIGN optimization targets and just creates spectra for direct use in INDEX.

bZeroOnly=True generates 0º targets only

adds 60º P pol targets, skipping 60º S pol

Start with StdDev = 0.
If the solution is not the original n&k array, there's no point in adding noise.

Copyright © 2023 FTG Software Associates
Last updated on June 07, 2023