Technical Issues - FSPlot Tutorial II  - Legends

Legends are labels assigned to multiple FSPlot curves. While legends are usually entered manually it is also possible to assign/modify text in FilmStar BASIC. In that way one could, for example, assign legends such as average %R computed from the spectral curve.

Activate the FSPlot Module and click Setup.. Legends <Ctrl+E> to access the Graph Legends dialog. Up to 12 legends can be entered.

Legends are displayed as curves are added to the graph. Top and Bottom legends are displayed when there are two or more curves.

Don't see any legends? View.. Legends must also be checked. This option lets you hide legends temporarily without deleting them from the Graph Legends dialog. Legends are saved in DESIGN Graph Axes (*.axw) or FILM Archive (*.faw) files and in MEASURE (Scantraq) Scan Method files (*.scw). While legends are usually placed on top of the graph, it is sometimes advantageous to place them on the left or right.

As we add more curves to the graph [0-40 x 5° nm] the process becomes very tedious. Imagine repeating for 10 different designs: 90 manual calculations! A simple BASIC program automates the entire procedure:

Sub Main
    Dim a As Single, k As Integer
    PlotClose      ' close FSPlot if it's open
    PlotActivate   ' activate new FSPlot window
    For a = 0 To 40 Step 5   ' loop over angles
        k = k + 1: PlotLegend(k) = CStr(a) & "°"  ' assign legend
        Angle = a: Calculate: PlotNext ' calculate and plot
    Next a
End Sub

No legends? View.. Legends must also be checked. This option lets you hide legends temporarily without deleting them from the Graph Legends dialog. Legends are saved in DESIGN Graph Axes (*.axw) or FILM Archive (*.faw) files and MEASURE (Scantraq) Scan Method files (*.scw). While legends are usually placed at the top, it may be advantageous to place them at the left or right. Click here to download an Excel file with advanced legend options including %R & %T (or OD & %T) on the same graph.

There are two ways to set up monochrome graphs for laser printing: 1. Adjust Graph Details, 2.  Check View.. Monochrome. The latter choice automatically replaces colors by patterns as shown below:

Copyright © 2023 FTG Software Associates
Last updated on January 31, 2023